how to do the zoroark event on heartgold

How do you actually get Zorua & Zoroark.
Alright! Another Event video! Sorry for any background noise, the fan on my computer got loud all of a sudden. Anyway, time to get down to business! This

I spent about thirty minutes or so trying to find out how to do this. Getting Zorua isn't very difficult. I'm writing this up so people won't swamp I Do Events Atlanta
Pokémon Heart Gold: Mystery Event:.
For Pokemon White Version 2 on the DS, a GameFAQs Answers question titled "How do I get the Zoroark that is in Lostlorn Forest?".
I know that for Zorua you need to transfer the event Celebi, and for Zoroark one of the legendary beasts (Entei, Raikou, Suicune). I have transferred the legendary
19.03.2010 · Best Answer: A few have gone by but not on DS Check here to now the events now or coming up… Event that have
Pokemon White: How to get Zoroark using.
how to do the zoroark event on heartgold
Pokémon: Zoroark: Master of Illusions.
how to do the zoroark event on heartgold
Does my Crown Beast need to be shiny for.Pokemon White: How to get Zoroark using.
How do I get the Zoroark that is in.
How do you actually get Zorua & Zoroark.
For Pokemon Black Version on the DS, a GameFAQs Answers question titled "Does my Crown Beast need to be shiny for the Zoroark? If so, can someone trade me a shiny Dog
Pokémon: Zoroark: Master of Illusions, originally released in Japan as Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl the Movie: Phantom Ruler: Zoroark (劇場版ポケット
It is very difficult to evolve Zorua into Zoroark. You have to do something incredibly challenging getting it to level 30! Such a let-down.
Getting Zorua and Zoroark - Bulbagarden.
Such a fail but i did catch it eventually haha. Thanks for watching and subscribe for more pokemon trades/battles in the future :]